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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Experts Predict a 20% Housing Crash in 2023

The housing market in America is certainly going through a very difficult time as of right now. Since 2020, home prices have more than doubled; fewer homes are being built than in the past 70 years in the country; and bidding wars...

Will Affordable Housing Remain a Priority in the United States?

Housing affordability has become a hot topic in the U.S. within recent years, only further exasperated by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Countless individuals and families have faced cruelty while enduri...

Parish Heights Housing Development in Corning Receives $4.9 Million State Funding

The Parish Heights housing development project in Corning has secured a substantial grant of $4.9 million from the state, signifying a major advancement in providing permanent housing for form...

Congress Proposes Canceling Rents to Prevent Another Housing Crisis

The consequences of COVID-19 on the housing crisis has been evasive. State governments have taken the initiative to implement moratoriums on landlord evictions. Congressional members are deciding what t...

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery Over the past decade, Australia has been competing with European nations like Sweden and Germany to be a hub for social justice in the world, inviting in many more...

Zillow to Start Buying Houses in Pandemic Market

Founded in 2006, Zillow is one of the largest American real estate companies to ever exist, basically making a huge name for themselves online as a service offering an easily accessible database for millions of people buyin...

REITs Are a Great Way to Invest in the Housing Market

Many people who are investing in the housing market will buy properties in order to flip them. The rate of return can be attractive, but it requires a great deal of work on the part of the investor. In addition, supply ca...

How the Housing Crisis and COVID-19 Are Creating the Perfect Storm

Both financial and health experts are growing increasingly worried about the effects of the COVID-19 virus on the housing industry. As more Americans continue to struggle to find employment in this unprecede...

Homeless People Take Over Abandoned School in Tacoma

In Tacoma, WA, police put on personal protective equipment in order to clear an abandoned school that had been taken over by nearly a dozen people. This action was taken on the night of Friday, November 20. The homeless pe...