Housing Insights Central
Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.
8 Tips to Guide You When Purchasing a Home
Looking for the right house to buy is similar to shopping for any other commodity. You must understand the kind of home you want, thoroughly research, and compare prices before settling on the best one for your needs. Here are eigh...
Programs You Need to Know About if You're Looking for Affordable Housing
Affordable housing is an important part of any community, and many people are looking for ways to access it more easily. Over the years, the government has initiated various programs to enhance housing...
What's Next for the Housing Market as Coronavirus Takes Off?
It's no secret that the Coronavirus has turned into a global pandemic with the death toll ticking up every day. While this has plenty of immediate consequences for all involved, plenty of people were lining up hous...
Housing Insecurity Hits African Americans Hard During Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic worsened an already precarious housing situation for many families across the United States. For many African Americans, their housing status was already in dire straits. The pandemic caused...
Affordable Housing Measures Put Landlords in Danger
It's an odd sight to see from time to time; people taking to the streets to shout that their politics are right, and the other person's politics are wrong, and vice versa. This is something that has been as American as app...
California Seeks Solution for Housing Needs
The state of California is incredibly polarizing. People have strong opinions about where they stand on the state, it's typically one of two stances they take. They either admire the state (because most who take this stance live t...
When looking for a rental house for your family, it is advisable to take your time to ensure that you settle on the best. If you make hasty decisions,...
One of the most important factors to consider when looking for a house is the neighborhood where it's located. The neigh...
Home Buying is Expected to Slow Down, but Should Pick Up in 2023
The building of new homes declined slightly in December 2022. High mortgage rates were most likely to blame. This decline in new home construction indicates a slowdown in the housing market in 2023. With ...
House Maintenance Tasks to Check Off the List as Summer Comes to an End
While the temperatures outside may feel otherwise, summer will soon be in the rear view mirror. This means that now is the time to perform those home maintenance tasks that should be done before the...